The difference between Lexplore Score and Percentiles.

The Lexplore score is a measure whereas the percentile represents a comparison. Read more about it here.

The Lexplore score is a measure of reading ability. It includes both decoding and reading comprehension. The measure is expressed on a scale between 0-1000. The lowest value corresponds to an emerging reader or pupil who cannot read at all and the highest corresponds to a very good reader at the end of their whole school journey.

Lexplore Chart 9 years

The reading development curve describes how the Lexplore score changes over time. The median curve shows the Lexplore score that an average pupil has at any given time. If a pupil follows their reading development curve, they develop at the same rate as everyone else, and their reading ability will increase. However, if the pupil's reading development does not progress at the same rate and continues within the average curve, then their percentile will remain the same.

If the pupil's reading develops more slowly than their peers, the percentile will fall, if the pupil develops faster than others, the percentile will rise.


The percentile value shows how a pupil's Lexplore score relates to other pupils' at a given time. If a pupil reads better than 10% of all pupils', they get the percentile of 10 and if a pupil reads better than 90% of all pupils', they get the percentile of 90. An average pupil will get the percentile of 50, because their Lexplore score equals the average for all other pupils' at the same time.

To follow up on a pupil’s individual progress, the teacher can look at the Lexplore score. To see the reading level of a class/school/pupil in comparison to the average in their country, one can look at the percentile.

You can read more about the topics here:

What is the Lexplore Score?

Reading age and the Lexplore Score

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