Product updates | 2024-02-20 | Agnes Smith Jonasson


Product Updates February 2024 

We are pleased to inform you about the latest updates of our platform, aimed at providing you with a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience. Here's what's new in our latest release:

1. Larger QR Codes for Pupil Login:

Based on valuable feedback from our customers, we've made the QR codes for pupil login bigger and easier to scan. We hope this change will make it smoother for pupils to login.

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2. Improved Loading Times for the Reading App:

We recognize that not all schools have high-speed internet connections, which is why we've made several changes to improve loading times in our reading app. We want to ensure that regardless of internet speed, pupils can seamlessly access and enjoy our app without any frustrating delays. 

These updates are just the beginning of our ongoing efforts to improve the experience of the pupil's reading app. We're continuously working behind the scenes to make the pupil's experience quicker and with less hassle. 


We hope you will enjoy these changes, and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any product feedback!