Plan Pupils for Assessments

Planning pupils for assessment in the Results Portal puts the status 'planned' next to the pupil name in the Testing Application. With the status 'planned', pupils move up the list and can then be found at the top of the pupil list.

This function in the Results Portal is optional but can be very useful when retesting groups of pupils.

You may have tested all pupils at the beginning of the academic year with the intention to retest only some of them later.  To move these pupils up in the Testing Application and enable quicker access, you can use the 'PLAN PUPILS FOR ASSESSMENTS' button in the Results Portal. 


Remember that once pupils have been imported to the Results Portal on the current school year, they will also be available for testing in the Testing Application throughout that entire school year. 

How to Plan Pupils for Assessment in the Results Portal

1. Log in to the Results Portal, and go to a specific school.


3. A new window will open where you can filter down to the specific group you want to assess.   Perhaps you are planning to retest pupils with the reading level abilities of yellow and red. You can make your selection using the filters on the left-hand side of the screen under Select reading ability level (see picture below as an example)

4. Once you have chosen which  pupils to test, click NEXT.

5. You will then verify your selection by clicking SAVE.

6. You will then see confirmation that pupils have been planned for re-test. Those pupils will now have the status PLANNED next to their names in the Testing Application.

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