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My Reading - all readings, add books, and add reading manually

All the student's reading is displayed under “My Reading” in the reading app. There, the student can also manually add books that they read in paper format or other digital platforms.

This article describes (1)“My Reading” in the Reading App and the function to manually (2)“Add book” and then to be able to (3)“Log reading” manually to one of the books you have read outside Lexplore Library and added manually.

Everything added to “My Reading” also appears as a small summary on “My Page” where the summary of books, number of minutes read, and number of pages read are displayed.

1. My reading

When the student logs into the Reading App and clicks "MY READING," they will see their personal page with all their reading. This is what it can look like:

All their readings are summarized here and it includes fiction books that they have read either in the Lexplore Library, or in paper format, or perhaps from another digital platform that. It also includes Reading Fluency Books, i.e. the reading fluency practice that you as a teacher recommend to your students from Lexplore's Library. 

All readings that have started, are in progress and completed is shown here and the bottom of each book cover shows how far the student has read. This is also reflected in the Lexplore portal under the student's reading activity that you as a teacher have access to.

2. Add book

  • Click on "Add Book" in the upper right corner
  • Search for your book in the search field and then fill out the following:
    • What type of book it is
    • How many pages the book have(will be generated automatically when booktitle is added at the top)
    • Reading type
    • Click "Save". The book is then added to "My reading"

3. Log reading

First, click on the book you have been reading in (This is only possible on manually added books)

  • Click the button “Log reading”

  • Fill in the following:
    • When you read 
    • How much time spent 
    • On which page you started reading 
    • On which page you stopped reading 
    • Who you read with 
    • How enjoyable it was to read 
    • How easy/difficult the text was 
    • Click “Save” and it will be added to the accumulated time on reading. 

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