Updating the Testing Application

Newer versions of the Testing Application have automatic updates. You'll be notified while logging in when a new version is available. A manual update is still necessary for older versions. Here we explain when that is needed and how to go ahead.

This article will explain how to update the Lexplore Testing Application. It clarifies when/if you need to perform manual updates and/or if you have a version that has built-in triggers for automatic updates.

  • Automatic Updates
    • All versions with number 5.31 or higher.

For a newer version with automatic updates, you will be notified with a pop-up message when logging into Lexplore Testing Application that there is a new version available for installation. Follow the instructions you see on the screen in order to proceed with the update.

  • Manual Updates
    • All versions with number 5.30 or lower.

You can always do a manual update to ensure you are running on the latest version of the app. 

To guarantee that you have the latest features and security updates, you are required to update the installed Testing Application in Windows. Scroll down for instructions on how to do a manual update.

If you have a version of the application that is older than a version starting at 5.30 (5.29, 5.28, 5.27.....5.15..) you need to first uninstall the application in order to update/Re-install it again: Uninstall the Lexplore Application


It is likely you have installed a local version that you can update yourself, however, sometimes the installation is done remotely by your school IT department or an external company. If this is the case, please refer to the section on how to install it from MSI below. If unsure, please contact your local IT administrator. 

How to update (re-install) the Testing Application on your local computer: 

  1. To install the Testing Application - Open your web browser.
    Log in to portal.lexplore.com and then go to:  
  2. Click the Download button below the Lexplore logo.  
  3. Open the downloaded file. It may look different in different web browsers.  
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the application.  
  5. Make sure to re-start your pc after the update/install.

      Install the client by MSI package 

      The MSI version can be installed on one computer as an administrator or deployed to the organisation’s computers or software center.   

      Install on ONE computer 

      • Open the downloaded file “LexploreScreeningClient” to start the installation 
      • Select region -  Europe or the United States 
      • Countries in the UAE and Africa should select Europe 
      • Optional (only if the organisation is set up with Office 365 SSO) enter provided customer ID.  
      • Finish 

      Deploy the application within the network 

      • Europe: REGION=neu-prod 
      • United States*: REGION=scus-prod   
      • Use msiexec command to deploy: msiexec/iLexploreScreeningClient.msi REGION=neu-prod /norestart/quiet