How to change your password for login

Sometimes a password needs to be changed for various reasons, and the easiest way to change it is to click on "Have you forgotten your password?" in the login process.

For organisations using the login solution Lexplore Local Account (Login with email, password, and SMS code) the password can be changed following the process below. This is only possible for this login solution.

Read more about Lexplore Local Account

If your organisation has chosen a Single Sign-On (SSO) login with one of our different SSO providers such as Wonde, Office365, Google or Skolon, your password can not be changed with Lexplore. The password then needs to be changed in the account of the Login provider.

How to change your password for a successful login:

  1. Start the login by adding your email address in the first step.
  2. The, click on "Have you forgotten your password?".
  3. Add your email address again and click "SEND VERIFICATION CODE". Look for the code in your email inbox.
  4. Add the code sent to your email and click "VERIFY THE CODE". (If you can't find a code in your email inbox, click "SEND NEW CODE" or check your junk folder as it may be in there).
  5. After the email has been verified and the email address is correct click "CONTINUE".
  6. Authenticate yourself with a verification code sent by text or by us calling you.
  7. The next step is where you add your new password and confirm it.
  8. The process is now complete and can log in as usual with your new password.

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