Lexplore Integration Providers

In order to facilitate the administration of pupils and/or staff, it's possible to integrate the data in the organisation's Student Information System (SIS), to Lexplore.

An active integration between the organisation's Student Information System (SIS) and Lexplore will automate imports of students and/or staff. The integration provider retrieves ordered data from the SIS and imports it into Lexplore. This process is also called a "synchronization" between the two systems.

Lexplore offers integration with your organisation's SIS through these companies:

A SIS integration facilitates administrative work since there is no need to:
  • Manually import pupils and staff prior to every new Academic year.
  • Update Lexplore whenever there are changes in a class. For instance, if a new pupil starts during the school year or leaves during the school year.
  • Synchronization runs automatically once integration with any of the companies above is active.
  • An active integration means manual features in reference to student management and/or staff management is turned off. For instance; it is not possible to manually add or remove a student from a class directly in Lexplore. The reason is that the true data about the organisation's users will come from the Student Information System.

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