Lexplore Release Notes January 2023

This article is a summary of the newest functions and updates released within the Lexplore Results Portal or Lexplore Testing Application for this month.

Lexplore Release Notes

Date: 2023-01-24

This release comes with no update for the Lexplore Testing Application. Version 5.38.2403.0 is still the latest version for the Testing Application. 

Whats new?

  • Pupil Reading App - Recommended for me
    Recommended for me selection stays. Previously, when reading something from the recommended for me page, the pupil had to toggle back to it each time they came back. Now, their selection is remembered. This has previously been done for library filters as well so that their selection is remembered.  
  • Pupil Reading App - Login process
    QR code login – When logging in with QR codes on mobiles or tablets, the front camera has previously been launched. This made it difficult to scan the QR code since the pupil had to hold up the mobile and QR code at the same time. We are now changing this to instead launch the back camera instead, allowing the pupil to place the QR code on the desk when scanning it.

Logging in with QR codes on a laptop still works in the same way as before, allowing the pupil to hold the QR code in front of the camera on the laptop.  

Read more here: Login to Reading App

  • Lexplore Insights - View recommended Fluency Practice Books
    Possibility to view pupils’  fluency book recommendations, both the ones automatically recommended by Lexplore and the ones explicitly recommended by a teacher. The possibility to remove teacher-recommended books will also be launched.  

This feature will not be released until late January/early February. We will first perform some beta testing of this feature with customers after the release. If you have any questions, contact support@lexplore.com

Lexplore UK 

  • Update of Results Portal Data 
    Here at Lexplore we constantly strive to provide accurate data within our Reading Assessment. As more pupils are tested throughout the academic year by our schools, we can improve our Machine Learning models and the data metrics we provide. In view of this, we are happy to inform you that we will be providing you with more accurate Year Level Equivalent scores (YLE) and Reading Ages.   

    What does this mean for you?
    Any assessments that have taken place since September 2022 will be recalculated and updated based on the new and improved curve, this means you will see new YLE and Reading Age scores in these and all future assessments. This change will take place during the day after the release and no action is required by you.  

    You will also notice that the range for both the YLE and Reading Age has now been expanded. If you would like to read more about this, please click here to access our Knowledgebase article providing further details.   



In our next release (planned for 21st of February 2023) we are planning to update the Windows Testing Application with some improvements. If you have an old version of the Application, you might need to update it after the release before being able to use it. 


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