Log in to Lexplore as a Pupil

This is a guide for how a pupil can log in to Lexplore's Reading App. Login can happen with a QR code, a Login link, or through any other method your school may have chosen. All of these your teacher has access to and can share with you.

If you are a teacher and would like help with how to distribute QR-codes or login links, click here.

Login to the Reading App with Login Links:

  1. Your teacher shares a personal login link with you. 
  2. Copy the link and paste it into a browser. Login will happen right away, no need to add a password.
  3. Now you should be logged in 🎉 Well done!

Login to the Reading App with QR code:

  1. Your teacher shares a personal and unique QR-code with you.
  2. Open a web browser (preferably Chrome or Safari) and go to app.lexplore.com
  3. Instead of adding your email, click on the button below "LOGIN WITH QR CODE".
  4. If you are using a laptop:
    1. The web camera of your device will start, for you to hold up the QR code in front of it.
  5. If you are using a mobile phone or a tablet:
    1. The back camera of your device will start, so you can place the QR code on a desk and scan it.

  6. When the QR code is scanned you are logged in to the Reading App.
  7. 🎉 Well done!

Login through another method that your school has chosen

  1. Open a web browser (preferably Chrome or Safari) and go to app.lexplore.com
  2. Press "OTHER OPTIONS"
  3. Choose the login method that your school is using. If you are unsure, please ask your teacher. 
  4. Login on the site that you get redirected to. 
  5. Now you should be logged in 🎉 Well done!

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